DIN A4 laminiert - abwaschbar 😉 Eine Prostata-Massage ist neben der Lingam-Massage ein Genuss für Sex-Gourmets! Sie kann tief entspannend oder sehr erregend sein – oder beides gleichzeitig. Die Prostata-Massage...
DIN A4 laminiert - abwaschbar 😉 Loslassen, Hingabe, Intensives spüren, Wellen erleben, Vertrauen … so beschreiben Frauen ihre Ejakulations-Erfahrungen. Wenn Du neugierig darauf bist, was Dein Körper noch so alles...
Relaxation, pleasure and healing: A yoni massage can help your woman to relax, heal or enjoy her body in sensuous pleasure, either one or even all at a me. It’s...
Arousal, pleasure and relaxation: A Lingam massage can be sensuous and exciting, but also calm and relaxing. Start with no intention of going anywhere. If the man gets aroused very...
The G-SPOT MASSAGE QUICK REFERENCE offers an illustrated short summary of the essential G-spot massage techniques and is a valuable inspiration for every lover. Working with the Quick Reference is a...
A prostate massage is, just like a ingam massage, an exquisite pleasure for sex gourmets! It can be deeply relaxing or very arousing – and both at once. The prostate...
A gentle clitoris massage is much more than a lot of fun. If it is done with love and awareness, it has many positive effects. The woman experiences more contact...
A small egg with great effect: Exercises with the jade egg were developed in the Taoism of China over 5000 years ago, where they were reserved for the empress and...
An anal massage, just like a yoni massage, is a treat for sex gourmets! It can be deeply relaxing or incredibly arousing - or both at the same time. The...
Eine Analmassage ist ein wahrer Genuss für Sex-Gourmets! Sie kann tief entspannend oder sehr erregend sein – und beides gleichzeitig. Der Anus ist mit fast ebenso vielen Nerven-Enden ausgestattet wie...